Bulimia Treatment

Bulimia Treatment

Is Bulimia Treatment available? Yes, it is and you have landed in the right place.

But first before we can find a treatment, what exactly is Bulimia?

The Oxford English Dictionary describes bulimia as “An emotional disorder characterized by a distorted body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating (bingeing) are followed by fasting or self-induced vomiting or purging.”

bulimia treatment

Eating Disorders and the Benefits of Seeking Specialised Counselling for Bulimia Treatment

Eating Disorders are deceivingly complicated problems. A specialised counselor can listen to and understand the root problems causing these issues.

Moreover, the therapeutic approach varies from disorder to disorder. For example, bulimia treatment may be different from anorexia treatment. Bulimia treatment could also be different from client to client, as a counselor understands each individual, their requirements, their needs, past experience, environment and  various aspects of their life.

The client, with the help of the counselor, will then identify the thoughts, feelings, and other factors that will help him gain control again.

Finally, seeking counselling help and guidance is an actual way to resolve the factors or to moderate them, with the end goal of regaining control over life and reality.

Seeking help, for you or your family, is crucial in the battle with an eating disorder, and ultimately in the battle for your life and future. So if you are seeking bulimia treatment please do contact me and lets setup a time to talk in a caring, sensitive space.

Below are some common eating disorders that I can provide treatment for:

  • Binge eating actually means overeating. A person eats a large quantity of food, in a quite short period of time, and experiences a feeling of lack of control over food, or when to stop eating. Binge eating could happen once a week, leaving the person with a sense of guilt and shame.
  • Anorexia nervosa implies drastic food restrictions, due to an acute fear of gaining weight. People suffering from this type of eating disorder will customarily see themselves as being fat and undesirable.
  • Bulimia nervosa includes binge eating with purging episodes. A person suffering from bulimia can be even a little overweight. After a phase of binge eating, followed by guilt, a bulimic will try to push food out, through vomiting or laxatives, excessive exercises or fasting. Bulimia mostly evolves in the late teens. It manifests through a distorted body image, fear of gaining weight, low-esteem binge eating, purging.
  • Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, unlike anorexia, seldom includes a fixation over body weight. A person simply refuses to eat because they do not like the texture, smell, taste of food. This means that the sufferer simply does not eat enough.
  • Rumination is associated with compulsive vomiting. After vomiting, the person could spit the food out, or chew it and swallow it again.