1) Get your body moving
When you wake up, the best thing to do is to get your body moving. Don’t just lay in bed for hours and hours, no matter how tempting it might be. It’s good to have time to adjust to waking up and then getting up and moving your body. You could grab a drink and some breakfast, then go out for a long walk before you start your day to clear your mind and make you feel better. We all know that exercising is great for us both mentally and physically. It is a great way to wake up and get your body moving, making you feel a bit more focused and motivated and giving you the energy we all need when we wake up.
Go for a walk, clean the house, do some yoga, do a small workout, or do anything that will allow you to wake up and wake your body and mind up. By exercising in the morning, you’re setting yourself up for a good day. It will also be beneficial when you sleep as you can sleep much better. Exercise also helps reduce stress, depression, and anxiety massively. It will help your metabolism work faster, tending to burn calories even after your workout. Working out in the morning tends to help with building muscles more efficiently. Wake up, stretch well, get your body moving to kickstart your day the best you can, and motivate yourself to get what you need done.
2) Put some lively music on
This is a great daily habit to get into because everyone loves just singing their favourite song at the top of their lungs and waking up and playing music that you know will instantly put you in a good mood and give you spring in your step, which is a great habit to get into. Have a playlist of your favourite music and the songs that make you happy, and put that on every morning to do what you need to do. Just completely lose yourself in it and dance around the kitchen. Music can make us feel better. There’s always that song we love to sing and dance to, which completely changes our mood and current mindset.
If you’re looking for music that will make you feel more motivated and give you that little bit more energy, then definitely opt for something more upbeat. Singing along to your choice of song helps brain functionality. So, it’s a great thing to do in the morning because it is also a workout when you wake up, gives your brain and is enjoyable. Not only that but music is also known to reduce stress levels and make you feel better overall. Less anxious, less stressed, and getting lost in it and taking yourself away from the other problems for a little while. If you’ve woken up in a groggy mood, it can help you feel more lively.
3) Have a healthy breakfast/hydrate
When we wake up, we don’t always have to reach for the caffeine, which is what most of us do, and of course, that’s ok if that’s something we like to have to wake us up a little. But it’s good to have a pint that can adapt to water when we wake up to kickstart our metabolism. Sometimes, we prefer unhealthier breakfasts in the morning if we’re feeling rubbish, but that’s when we should go for healthier alternatives. A nutritious breakfast can help us feel better and give us the energy to take on the day ahead. Having breakfast in the morning helps balance your sugar levels, meaning it helps break down glucose better.
It also helps massively with brainpower, encouraging your brain to work better when you eat something healthy. Your brain loves the energy it gets from food, so it’s sensible to feed it with food that will give it power and not make you feel sluggish. Having a filling and nutritious breakfast can help you avoid feeling the need to snack through the day constantly. It’s necessary for the brain and the body, helping you feel better mentally and physically. It also helps massively with concentration and productivity in general. If you tend to skip breakfast, you might feel tired very quickly, making you feel like you’re crashing, which is why breakfast is so important.
4) Avoiding your phone for a bit
We most likely always go for our phones when we wake up, but this doesn’t always have to be true. If your alarm is set on, turn it off and pop it down for a bit. Instead, start your day, eat and hydrate, and start your morning rather than scrolling through your phone. In most cases, it would mean spending hours and hours scrolling through, which means your day is wasted. When you wake up, avoiding staring at your phone is best. Instead, get on with your day, shower, and get yourself ready to avoid falling into the traps of spending hours and hours on it.
It can also put quite a downer on your day because if you read something you’d rather have avoided, that will negatively affect your mood, which is going to make you feel a lot more anxious and could trigger some stress and anxiety. When we often start to concentrate on what’s on our phones, we usually neglect what we need to do throughout our days. It can be pretty addicting, meaning many of us could happily spend hours doing it. It’s okay to check it once you’ve done what you need in the mornings, but at least you’ve got what you needed to and aren’t spending hours scrolling through your phone.
5) Sit down and plan your day
Something great to do when you wake up is sit down for a little while and plan your day. Could you write up an easy-to-follow list of things to do? You are not making it too complicated or putting too much on it, so you stress yourself out. It’s not worth overfilling it with many different tasks; instead, focus on the ones you need to get done now, and the rest can wait. Starting with the most important and getting them done as long as you get them done is okay. The worst thing we can do if we’ve got quite a stressful day ahead is bombard it with too many tasks and completely exhaust ourselves. Instead, make it easy to follow and realistic with what time you have in your day.
Every morning, make it a habit to start writing your routine out, do it as a regular thing and do it at the same time each day. This means you’re keeping yourself in a routine, which will also help you feel better and more motivated to take on the day. Jot a few quick ones down; they don’t have to be tasks that will take hours and hours; having a few quick ones is always good to have to switch it up a bit. Always ensure that you give yourself regular breaks; this is always super important. Don’t give yourself way too much to do, as this will make you feel worse, and that’s not how you’d want to start your day. Instead, having a clear plan will help you tackle the plans throughout the day.