Times are incredibly tough right now, we’re all having to face many challenges that arise daily and it’s hard for a lot of us. Some have had to separate away from the ones they love and are now having to spend weeks apart after being so used to seeing them every single day. It’s difficult to be separated and learning to adapt to the way of living without those people around us or having to be completely alone.
When you get so used to being able to see that person and being able to enjoy time with them and show them affection for it all to be stripped away. It most likely has been one of the toughest times you’ve had to face and the feeling of missing someone that you may be feeling now is normal. A lot of the time separation can bring on separation anxiety which can also link to depression and for those who are on their own overwhelming feelings of loneliness.
For now, we have to stick to the guidelines and only stay with those in our household and not visit anyone else, as difficult as it maybe you just have to think how amazing it will be when you finally get to reunite with those you love. If you’re struggling with separation right now, here’s 5 tips that may help you deal with those feelings.
1) Talk about future plans
Photo by Sean O. on Unsplash
Something that can help you feel better is perhaps looking to the future and discussing it with the ones you’re missing. The thing is if we have things to look forward to it helps us get through the tough times and have our hearts set on what’s to come. So making plans with one another for when this comes to an end will be so beneficial for you.
If it’s with family perhaps a beach day, pub dinner or even simply just a get together at home, playing board games and having a day filled with lots of yummy food and just having company. If it’s with your significant other, maybe plan a trip away, a cute date or even just chilling out and binge-watching Netflix with a tub of Ben and Jerrys. With friends, it could be having a few drinks at the pub with the lads, going on a shopping spree, playing video games or having a self-care night with the girls.
Even just the little things that we can look forward too will help us get through this time. Even though right now the possibility of doing these activities is minimal, we can still plan ahead and when we begin to feel low we can think about the enjoyable and happy times that we all will endure when this comes to an end and the time we can reunite with the ones we love and do all these activities planned previously.
2) Communicate
Photo by Taylor Grote on Unsplash
Something that may sound fairly cliche, but in fact is one of the many positive aspects to dealing with separation. If you feel yourself getting upset or feeling anxious, then pick up the phone and call that special person you’re missing, there is always a chance they’re missing you too and want to speak to you. If the other person may lead a busier life, perhaps having kids or having to work from home. It may be difficult to contact them at the time you wish too, so if this is the case schedule a time so that you can sit and have a decent amount of time spent on the phone. It’ll be better as then you can give all your attention to one another without any distractions.
Whether you’d prefer to just call through voice or if you’d rather see that person on video then do what’s best for you and that other person. But always communicating is such a key thing to do during this time. Another thing you could do is if you’re missing the game nights, you can do quizzes together by drawing up your own in your spare time. Or you can go on Netflix Party and join in on a call so that you can watch the same movie together. There are always fun things you can do that you normally would but instead over the phone and keeping you and others safe.
3) Stay positive
Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash
This may be something that can be extremely challenging, especially now. But keeping your mind feeling positive can make life so much easier and will make you feel better and help you deal with situations in a more positive mindset. Positivity can rub off on others, so when you do get to call that person your mood will tend to rub off on them.
So if you have that more positive mood it will rub off on that other person so that you can both enjoy each others company and be happy. Let your positivity shine through and spread to those you love, they will enjoy your company. Your mind and body will appreciate it, with all the stress of everything right now it can be extremely hard to try and boost your mood or have high spirits. But if you try and keep that more positive headspace then it will reduce your stress levels and keep you feeling excited for the future and grateful for what you have. It’ll also give you more motivation, a better sense of self-esteem and the ability to cope better with tough challenges.
4) Devote your time to those things you need to do
Photo by Rey Seven on Unsplash
We now have so much free time, more than we perhaps have for a long time. The best thing to do in this current situation is to distract yourself with all the things you’ve been meaning to do. It’s ok to feel down, tired and have that loss of motivation and pretty much everyone is feeling the exact same way right now. But the thing is by having this free time it’s given us this opportunity to better ourselves, to take care of our bodies and mind, to learn new hobbies and to get back to those we’d been putting off for so long.
So if you’ve been putting off that load of washing, or putting off finishing up that last piece of work or painting that picture or perhaps reading a book. Then now is your time to do that, time to give your body that much needed break and to relax and unwind as much as you can. Let the time you have now even if it is alone put it to good use and give your body and mind some well-needed attention. Appreciate that time you have to breathe in and out and just let your body unwind and delve into something you love doing or take up something new.
5) Reach out for help
Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash
If you feel like the feelings of anxiety or depression are getting worse and you feel like no matter what you do they’re not improving. Then be sure to reach out, it’s ok to miss someone and want to see them. But when it starts to really take a hit to your mental health then it’s something that needs to speak about in order to get the advice you need to help you get through it.
Separation anxiety might be one of the things you encounter, which is why it may lead you to want to talk to a professional. For some, the feelings come and go and eventually get better with time, but for some, it’s a constant battle which is why they tend to reach out to a professional rather than just talking to a family member or friend. So many counsellors have now turned to online counselling to ensure that they can still do their job and provide the best advice to clients who’re suffering.
So just know you’re not alone in this situation and if the feelings persist then be sure to get in contact with a professional. If you feel like you just want to talk to somebody then firstly try a friend or family member as the most common scenario is they’re feeling the same as you, but be sure to reach further if you need too.
If you’re looking for any online counselling whether you’re a parent and you’re looking for your children, you yourself need it or your a student or anyone that is struggling at this time, then please do not hesitate to contact Becky, you can access contact details here. Check out the website for more information and what there is to offer.

Journalism student