It’s essential in life to tap into ourselves and learn more about ourselves; it’s one of the things that we often push aside and don’t focus too much on. It may be because we find it challenging to discover our true selves. But there is a lot about your inner true self and ways to learn. To honestly know yourself is a skill in itself; life is filled with trial and error, but this enables you to grow and learn from that. Once you know who you are, you will become more confident, and your purpose will become more apparent.
”The thing that is hard and amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning to work on becoming yourself.”
-Anna Quindlen
1) Realise who you indeed are, not who you want to be
Far too often, we get caught up in what we could be or the idea of ‘perfect’ when, in fact, that’s not the way to live. It often puts us in a somewhat toxic relationship with ourselves, and with that, we lose ourselves. But we all have someone we’d want to be, even if we don’t like to admit it. There’s always something we dislike about ourselves or wish to change. But that isn’t who you are designed to be, so learning about who you are is vital. Only when you discover your true self will you feel better about yourself and be comfortable with who you are, not the idea of who you want to be.
Discover your true self by learning about your strengths. We all have them, often push them aside, and focus on the negatives. However, the strengths are what we should focus on because they enable us to stay motivated, keep us pushing, and benefit our lives. Info Jenny One: Of course, we have problems that set us back in life, and that’s completely okay. We can’t be good at everything, but we can be good at being our true selves and learning how to be the best person we can be for ourselves, not anybody else. It’s important never to give up; focus on your strengths and what you’re good at rather than the bad. One step to finding your true self is talking about your strengths.
2) Find what you’re passionate about
Passion is much more critical than we think and links back to our core values. We all have something we’re passionate about and something that makes us want to get out of bed in the morning. Something that motivates us to be able to reach the goals we’ve set and to be able to keep pushing forward. Hold onto whatever you carry with you that lets you be passionate. The work you do is something you’re passionate about, and you put your all into it. It could be about your passion for your life and the people in it.
Being passionate about something is a good thing; it’s one of the things we often don’t think about, but it is a crucial step to discovering who you are. Strive for what makes you passionate, and always keep that passion alive. Passion is something that produces effort and motivation and that later then produces results and reaching the goals. Focus on passion, understand yourself in many different ways and why the things you’re passionate about are essential. It inspires people and drives them to get where they want to be. No matter what hurdles arise, having that passion keeps you jumping over them.
3) Uncover your values
We all have values we follow daily, and it’s essential to have them. They influence the way we think, act and live our lives. They help motivate us more and help us grow. Never let go of the values you carry with you, as it’s an essential factor of who you are andson you a the type of perre. Don’t let people take them away or make you feel wrong about them. Your values could be loyalty, respect, action, compassion, resilience, ambition, etc. Values are something you should find and think about; try to uncover what they are to be able to discover your true self.
If you need help finding your values, observe the different ones yourself and see which ones you most likely take on. Getting to grips with the values you carry changes your behaviour massively. There are ways you can help yourself find your core values, which could relate to experiences you’ve had in life and how you’ve acted. It could be a suppressed value about when you get angry, sad, etc. Think about how you felt and the situation as a whole. You could think about the values essential to you and what are necessary to support your inner self.
4) Visualisation
Visualisation is one of the best accurate self tools to find and visualise your inner self and figure out who you are and how you’re feeling. The journey it takes to find your true self is a long process, but it is necessary. We’re always changing as people and constantly evolving. Visualise your inner self, who you are, and what you love about yourself. Use the tool of visualisation to be able to push yourself forward to be able to let you ensure you will find your true self through the process. Don’t try to change yourself significantly or visualise a different person because that strips away your true self.
Instead, try to find something about yourself that you could improve; perhaps you always say yes to others even though you don’t want to. You could then visualise that you want to be someone who likes to be kind to others but also needs to be able to say no occasionally. Think about the actions you portray and how you could improve on them; it’s not about changing everything about yourself; it’s about improvement and growth and visualising the best version of your true self.
5) Try new things
You may be starting to feel a little bit lost in life, and that’s making you not feel like your true self. We all go through this in life, and whilst it can be discouraging, it’s also a normal process. But, by not having anything you enjoy or feel passionate about, you will feel less motivated and pessimistic about life and who you are. You need to find something that brings you joy and passion; you can do this by immersing yourself in new things and trying something different if you feel that’s necessary. Being able to expose yourself to experiences you mayn’t delve into.
It’s about getting out of your comfort zone if you’re trying to find something else to invest yourself into to help you discover your true self. By doing things you wouldn’t normally do, you’re allowed to find out something new that you might have the chance to enjoy. You might learn something new about yourself, which will help you grow overall. By enabling us to do new things, we can delve into many new and different opportunities we prefer to avoid.